At Ten...

My Larkin turns ten soon. I am not really sure when he was born (but it was sometime in March) and I don't even remember the exact day he was put in my arms when he was just 12 weeks old. But I totally fell in love with him that day, and he's been with me ever since. I have started to see him slow down a bit lately and it worries me because I know he won't be here forever.
Aside from a few friends and my family I have never had anything in my life as constant as him. I have buried my face in his fur and cried my eyes out. I have hugged him with joy. I have even had many a conversations with him, when I was so lonely moving from place to place that I thought I'd loose my mind. He has lived with me in four states, nine houses, and stuck with me through too many 15+ hour road trips to count. He has forgiven me for leaving him behind, missing walks, and working 15 hour days when he was stuck inside. For ten years he has greeted me with a smile, after a long day, long night, or long trip away. I am so very lucky.
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