This is my second process shoot, shot for Bill's sports portrait. I had the shot the bull rider at a rodeo a week before having him come into the studio. I used the projector to put the rodeo shot on the wall behind him. Will helped me light it and Tracy helped me tell Marc what to do, where to stand and to turn the modeling light on and off so I could focus the camera. The exposures were tough, trying to get the projected image to show up woth out getting washed out withthe light used on Marc. On the final image the exposure was 1/3 sec at f/4 100 ISO with a 24-85mm lens. The over all was 30th at f/4 100 ISO 24-85. Over all I am happy withthe results but if I do it again I will rear project the image on to the scrim anf then I won't have to worry about Marc standing in front of the light path. Sharpness was also a huge problem as the lens wouldn't lock in such low light. Kind of like friday night football in the studio. I'd love some feed back...
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